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12 Feb 2025 | 12:02 IST
PGIM India Arbitrage Fund - Direct (IDCW-M)
Summary Info
Fund Name : PGIM India Mutual Fund
Scheme Name : PGIM India Arbitrage Fund - Direct (IDCW-M)
AMC : PGIM India Mutual Fund
Type : OPEN
Category : Arbitrage Funds
Launch Date : 13-Aug-14
Fund Manager : Chetan Chavan
Net Assets:(Rs. cr) 85.35
1Month 3Month 6Month 1Year 3Year 5Year Since Inception
Latest Payouts
  Dividends Bonus
Quantum of Dividend % 0.653 % NA
Date 17-Jan-25 NA
Investment Details
Tax benefits :  
Min. Investment(Rs.) : 5000
Increm.Investment(Rs.) : 1000
  1 Week
1 Month
3 Month
6 Month
1 Year
3 Year
5 Year
Since INC
Scheme Returns 0.04 0.52 1.70 3.54 7.59 6.63 5.63 6.20
Category Avg 0.13 0.52 1.69 3.51 7.45 6.55 5.38 5.55
Category Best 0.17 8.10 9.32 11.23 15.37 8.99 6.74 7.67
Category Worst 0.08 -6.48 -5.30 -3.48 0.47 4.56 4.00 -0.88
Statistical Ratios
What is Beta ?
Beta is a measure of the volatility of the portfolio to that of the index. In simple words it shows the movement of the portfolio in comparison. The Higher the Beta, higher the volatility of the scheme to the index. If its greater than1 , then the portfolio is highly volatile to the movemnts in the index. If the beta is lesser than 1 , then scheme is less volatile to the index and beta which is close to 1 implies that the scheme is closely following the index.
Beta [%] SD [%] Sharpe Ratio [%] Jensons Alpha [%] ER [%]
0.2556 0.1765 -0.2682 -0.2954 -0.7671
Holdings Date :31-Jan-25
Company Name% Hold
Reliance Industr 9.93
Ambuja Cements 6.33
Titan Company 6.01
NTPC 5.01
IndusInd Bank 4.59
Kotak Mah. Bank 4.54
Hindalco Inds. 4.09
NMDC 3.55
Manappuram Fin. 2.96
Divi's Lab. 2.81
Infosys 2.73
Canara Bank 2.14
HDFC Bank 2.08
UltraTech Cem. 1.75
DLF 1.66
Grasim Inds 1.62
Jio Financial 1.59
Punjab Natl.Bank 1.52
Glenmark Pharma. 1.27
Axis Bank 1.16
St Bk of India 1.15
United Spirits 1.05
Bank of Baroda 0.80
Interglobe Aviat 0.46
City Union Bank 0.20
I R C T C 0.17
HDFC Life Insur. 0.16
GSEC 6.04
GSEC 6.00
TBILL-364D 0.56
C C I 3.32
Net CA & Others 71.59
PGIM India Liquid Fund (G) 12.88
I R C T C -0.17
HDFC Life Insur. -0.17
City Union Bank -0.20
Interglobe Aviat -0.46
Bank of Baroda -0.81
United Spirits -1.06
Axis Bank -1.16
St Bk of India -1.16
Glenmark Pharma. -1.28
Punjab Natl.Bank -1.53
Jio Financial -1.60
Grasim Inds -1.62
DLF -1.67
UltraTech Cem. -1.76
HDFC Bank -2.09
Canara Bank -2.15
Infosys -2.74
Divi's Lab. -2.83
Manappuram Fin. -2.97
NMDC -3.57
Hindalco Inds. -4.12
Kotak Mah. Bank -4.57
IndusInd Bank -4.62
NTPC -5.03
Titan Company -6.04
Ambuja Cements -6.37
Reliance Industr -9.97
Asset Allocation
             SEBI Common Reg. No. INZ000206338          MCX MEMBERSHIP ID:12535 MAPIN NO:10014845        CDSL : IN-DP-CDSL-291-2005
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